Return to Horse Medicine

Welcome to our herd.

Please feel free to wander around, sign up for our newsletter, and get in touch!

YOU are the glue that makes everything Return to Horse Medicine does and wishes to do possible.

Return to Horse Medicine (R2HM) is about rescuing horses but, more importantly, our work is regenerative – for horses, humans, and the Land. The focus is on righting the relationship between horses and humans, humans and the Land, and the Land and horses. This is how we return horses to the dignity they deserve and support the respect we all require (humans, horses, and Land). It is about returning to the core medicine, Horse Medicine, of balance of Power and Purpose.

The work of R2HM is not what you may have come to understand as a horse rescue. That’s because our horses, our program, our mission, and our vision is different.

The horses. We rescue orphan foals, those fresh from the wild, those who have been unhandled/feral, and those who have a history of significant challenging behaviors.

The program. This work is all about relationships. The focus is the relationship between human and horse, between horse and Land, between Land and human.

Located in Deerfield, VA