Return to Horse Medicine

Welcome to our herd.

Please feel free to wander around, donate, sign up for our newsletter, and get in touch!

YOU are the glue that makes everything Return to Horse Medicine (R2HM) does and wishes to do possible.

This is regenerative space. What that means is we are challenging what has been, allowing for new ideas and concepts of relationships, biodiversity, cohabitation, growth, rebirth, and positive change to be planted (literally and figuratively) in ways that change who we are as humans, how horses are allowed to be, and how Land was meant to be.

The horses we serve are very specific: orphaned foals, wild, feral, unhandled, and those who have been identified as problems, challenges, and dangerous. In this sense, we are a rescue. But we are far from the traditional ideas of what it means to "rescue" horses.

Through a unique methodology learned from Indigenous Peoples, the Carolyn Resnick Method, and the experience of our founder, Leah, we bring horses into relationship with us, stepping into their world, allowing them to remain horses while we remain human. In this way, they become who they were meant to be. In return, they offer the greatest gift to us - real mutual partnership.

The Land we steward is also met where it is, provided what is needed for it to once again become what it has always been; rich, complex, biodiverse, self-sustaining, food yielding, and amazing. In return, the Land too offers us real mutual partnership.

The humans we are and those we serve have the opportunity to step into these relationships differently, to learn about themselves, horses, the Land, and how each individual can reach for and become part of deep, mutual partnerships with one another, across species, and into the holding arms of Land in her greatest form, Mother Earth.

This is the process by which we Return to Horse Medicine, that is - the balance of Power and Purpose, of Role and Responsibility, of Witness and Warden, of Student and Steward. This is our work.

The program. This work is all about relationships. The focus is the relationships human-human, human-horse, horse-Land, Land-human.

We offer meditative sessions with horses, training of horses (and humans) for rescues and individuals, workshops, volunteer opportunities, educational presentations about horses, Land, and personal development, and so much more. Check out our Services Page to learn more.

What does all of this mean, in the day to day endeavors and labors of love?

  • It means horses are cared for as close to their natural state as possible.
  • The Land is tended in ways that return it to her natural state as a life-giving, life-sustaining, life-being
  • People engage in learning about themselves, each other, horses, and the Land.

The result?

We Return to Horse Medicine


Don't forget to check out our Stallion Store, our videos & media, our membership opportunities and our many ways to donate time, money, and more!

And join our newsletter and mailing list!



Located in Deerfield, VA