About us

Return to Horse Medicine (R2HM) is all about the horses. Unlike other rescues, however, we are a little different. See, our work is regenerative – for horses, humans, and the Land.

The focus is on righting the relationships between horses and humans, humans and Land, and Land and horses. This is how we return horses to the dignity they deserve and support the respect we all require (humans, horses, and Land).

It is about returning to the core and the balance of power and magic, this is the gift of Horse Medicine.

The work of R2HM is not what you may have come to understand as a horse rescue. That’s because our horses, our program, our mission, and our vision are different.

The horses. We rescue, acquire, and take in orphan foals, horses that are fresh from the wild, those who have been unhandled/feral, and those who have a history of significant challenging behaviors.

They stay with us for 24-36 months where we engage in deep synergistic relationship with them, supporting their horse beings. Together, horse and human, we learn and teach each other the art, communication, and magic of engaging in a meaningful partnership: human to horse and horse to human.

The program. Our work is all about relationships. The focus is the relationship between human and horse, between horse and Land, between Land and human. We call this our ternary focus.

3 part circle inside a blue circle. Left red part reads human, right yellow part reads horse and center lower part reads land.

All of our work is regenerative, the purpose being one of growing to heal, replace, and nurture what has been missing in the ternary relationships within the biosphere (the blue in the graphic) we live. It is in the intersection of the healthy relationships between humans, horses, and Land that R2HM seeks to exist, educate, and empower.

Between human and horse, we as a culture have lost our connection, gratitude, and honor that is owed to the horse for their willingness to move us forward as a species. They allow us, as predators, on their backs. They're prey, remember! And then there are the gifts of Magic, Power, and Medicine they offer us.

Even though we have forgotten all that they have been for, with, and to us.... they remember. They offer us the opportunity to remember and step back into the glow of their gifts.

Between horse and Land, there continues to be a bloody battlefield, particularly for wild horses. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) continues their barbaric and unreasonable methods of round-ups and capture of wild horses in order to make ever more room for cattle. While BLM is charged with the care and maangement of wild horses and burros, they have opted instead to use their power to annihilate their charges. There are organizations that have more information including Wild Horse Education. I encourage you to explore their work and what's really going on in the world of wild horses.

Yet, wild horses aren't the only ones who are seen as "hard on the land." It is true that how domestic horses are managed has not always been done in a Land-mindful way. That's what we are changing with our work. We hope, in the not too distant future, to be able to show BLM and others how exactly it is possible and necessary to manage and maintain horses in regenerative, restorative, and balanced ways.

Between humans and Land, well...  climate change! By restoring old practices in new ways, allowing wild to return into the picture, and by supporting biodiversity, R2HM is regenerating Land. In this way, Land supports not just humans but all life.

This is our work that we want to share with the world. It is the work that is needed, possible, and filled with Magic, Power, and Medicine.

Our Mission:

Join us on our journey!


Located in Deerfield, VA
Email: lkyaio@return2horsemedicine.org